How the Klier Hair Group saves over 250 working hours per month with HR Autopilot

Cegid Talentsoft | HR-Autopilot | Klier Hair Group

Vor der Einführung des HR-Autopilot

Über 5000 Mitarbeiter in mehreren Ländern – eine ineffiziente HR-Abteilung

Klier hat erkannt, dass der Schlüssel zu effizienteren HR-Prozessen in der Automatisierung liegt. Nachdem ineffiziente, manuelle Prozesse die Produktivität ausgebremst hatten, entschied sich die Klier Hair Group, den HR-Autopilot einzuführen.

Fehleranfällige Datenübertragung per Hand

Daten werden per Hand und Excel übertragen – das ist aufwändig und dauert.

Hohe Arbeitslast vor der Einführung

Vor der Automatisierung mussten viele Menschen sich mit repetitiven vermeidbaren Aufgaben befassen   

Inkonsistente Daten und viel Kontrollbedarf

Durch viele manuelle Prozesse und unverlässliche Daten waren Analysen kaum durchführbar.

"Our HR department can act significantly faster and more flexibly, allowing the focus to shift to value-adding, people-centered areas like talent development."

Christian Bergmann
Head of HR & Marketing
More than
15.000 Euro and 250 hours saved

Data normalization allows all systems to communicate with each other. This means you can now design your system landscape based on what’s most effective for your team.

Wer ist die KLIER Hairgroup?

The Klier Hair Group is Europe's largest hairdressing service provider and looks back on 75 years of successful business activity. With over 5,000 employees in numerous branches in several countries, the company recognized that the key to more efficient HR processes lies in automation. After inefficient, manual processes slowed down productivity, the Klier Hair Group decided to introduce HR Autopilot - a decision that brought massive efficiency gains and reduced workload for the company.
Schnelle Workflows und mehr Zeit für das, was wirklich zählt

Die neue Arbeit mit HR-Autopilot

Nach der Automatisierung von Payroll und Recruiting läuft alles sehr viel runter und man merkt wie die Zufriedenheit gestiegen ist.

250 produktive Arbeitsstunden gewonnen

Nie wieder Exceltabellen und repetitive Aufgaben. Mitarbeitende können jetzt wirklich etwas bewegen.


Die Prozesse z.B. im Onbording laufen viel schneller. Mitarbeitende können so schnell loslegen und sind zufriedener.

No external 

Beratung nötig

Es braucht keine extra Schulungen! Alle, vom Azubi bis zum HR-Profi, können mit den Tools spielend einfach umgehen.

Die HR-Abteilung der Klier Hair Group generiert dank dem HR-Autopilot pro Monat 250 Arbeitsstunden, die nun produktiv zur Verfügung stehen. Darüber hinaus sparen sie mehr als 15.000 Euro Kosten ein.

The solution: HR autopilot in use

To overcome these challenges, the Klier Hair Group decided to introduce the HR autopilot. This customized automation solution enabled the company to digitize their HR processes and dramatically reduce manual tasks.

Away from manual processes and towards seamless efficiency – automate your application process and reduce errors to zero.

A compelling logic

Integration with any IT system

We automate your HR processes and workflows, taking over 100% of previous manual tasks
übernehmen 100% der bisherigen manuellen Tätigkeiten

HR-Autopilot adapts to any company size

Whether you use two or two hundred systems in your organization, HR-Autopilot operates seamlessly and scales with your needs. It’s ideal for both medium-sized businesses and large corporations—regardless of the number of integrated systems.

HR-Autopilot adapts to any company size

Whether you use two or two hundred systems in your organization, HR-Autopilot operates seamlessly and scales with your needs. It’s ideal for both medium-sized businesses and large corporations—regardless of the number of integrated systems.

HR-Autopilot adapts to any company size

Whether you use two or two hundred systems in your organization, HR-Autopilot operates seamlessly and scales with your needs. It’s ideal for both medium-sized businesses and large corporations—regardless of the number of integrated systems.

HR-Autopilot adapts to any company size

Whether you use two or two hundred systems in your organization, HR-Autopilot operates seamlessly and scales with your needs. It’s ideal for both medium-sized businesses and large corporations—regardless of the number of integrated systems.

HR-Autopilot adapts to any company size

Whether you use two or two hundred systems in your organization, HR-Autopilot operates seamlessly and scales with your needs. It’s ideal for both medium-sized businesses and large corporations—regardless of the number of integrated systems.

HR-Autopilot adapts to any company size

Whether you use two or two hundred systems in your organization, HR-Autopilot operates seamlessly and scales with your needs. It’s ideal for both medium-sized businesses and large corporations—regardless of the number of integrated systems.

Results at a glance:

Reduction of FTEs in the salary area

from 15 to under 3

Saving over 250 working hours per month

Higher job satisfaction

by relieving you of routine tasks

Fast implementation

without additional training

Future-proof HR processes

who act flexibly and efficiently

Verbesserte Compliance

through standardized processes